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5 days to kickstart your personal wellness & wellbeing journey:

Guiding your though a powerful experiential journey to nurture 5 mindset shifts and embed 5 wellness practices that will boost your vitality.


5 Mindset shifts

5 Healthy habits

5 Accountability tasks

Pop-up Facebook support group


Motherhood is so much easier when you are pouring from a full cup!
Self-nurturing is so important for us mums, we constantly give to others, do for others and often neglect ourselves-becoming the motherhood martyr who is suffering, worn out, spread too thin and who has lost her mojo.
Well it's time to change that narrative and do something wonderful for yourself. Because when you take care of yourself, life is so much better for you and everyone around you!
So, I invite you to be supported throughout your motherhood journey by joining this interactive, live 5 day wellness challenge that will compel you to take charge, prioritise your needs and boost your wellness and wellbeing as a mum.
Join us for this supportive, interactive group experience!

Who is this kickstart challenge for?


  • Are you ready to take charge and be accountable for your wellness and wellbeing?

  • Fed up of prioritising everyone else's needs and want to focus some time and energy on yourself?

  • Do you want to quit making excuses, overcome obstacles and establish a wellness success mindset?

  • Do you want to learn simple, safe, effective science-backed strategies that get results?

  • Do you want clear guidance, motivation and support to show-up, step-up and follow through?


If you answered yes then this kickstart challenge is for you!





I invite you to join me

Who am I and how can I help you?

Hi my name is Maria Hilliard and I am a mother to two wonderful daughters. 

I know what it is like to be a busy mum, I also know what it feels like to be burnt out and overlooked. 


So, I do my best to support my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing by using the same science backed strategies that I will teach you in this challenge.

I created this powerful 5 day challenge to help you reap the amazing benefits of these simple mindset shifts and strategies. So that you can be empowered to make positive lifestyle changes that can maximise your potential for wellness and wellbeing.

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By-the-way, I am a Women Wellness Coach, Nutritional Therapist, Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Pre/Postnatal specialist, Peri/Postmenpause specialist, Yoga Instructor and Bellydance Instructor. 

So you can rest assured that you are in good hands!

How does it work?

Once you sign up you will receive an email providing you with full details on how the challenge will run and what you need to do next.
It will also include your challenge portal access details, a copy of the 5 Day schedule and an invitation to join the pop-up Facebook support group.
On Monday 10th May 2021 the Live 5 Day challenge will begin.
Each day will include the following:
1 Live Facebook session to deliver your Mindset challenge
1 Written worksheet assignment to complete after the live session (in your own time)
1 Practical wellness assignment to complete in your own time
1 Call to action accountability task to share your progress in the Facebook group
I will be popping into the Facebook group after the live session to answer any questions or provide extra support each day. 
The video from the live session will also be added to the challenge content so can watch the replay.
On Friday 14th May the Live 5 Day challenge will end
You will have access to the pop-up Facebook group until 31st May 2021
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Sign up now and kickstart your wellness journey!



You can join this amazing live 5 day Group Coaching kickstart challenge for just £17 early bird price 

On 1st May the price goes up to £27

So, put your needs first for a change and nurture yourself!

Yes, you can do this! 

Even if you feel like you never have the time because this is delivered in bite-size chunks and you can turn up live or watch the replays in your own time.


Even if other attempts to start a wellness plan have failed because we will tackle mindset shifts and obstacles to help you overcome common hurdles and setbacks.


Even if you have never done much exercise, meditation, meal planning before because I will provide you with step-by-step clear guidance.



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Here's what will happen when you join

Receive access

Within minutes of you joining you will receive a welcome email in your inbox that will provide you with the challenge details.

be supported

You will be invited to join the  private Facebook Support Group, where you can submit questions and connect with me and other mums.

take action!

Join the daily live Facebook group sessions, complete your daily written worksheet and daily wellness practice, share your progress in the group.


How does it work?
The challenge is delivered entirely online, so once you join you receive an email that will provide you with the link to access the content, and another link to join the exclusive Facebook Support Group. 
The live group sessions will be carried out at the same time each day and I will guide you through your assignments for that day, one day at a time.
So, you can join those live or watch the replays which will be uploaded to both the Facebook group and challenge portal.  You will have access to the content thereafter in the online course/challenge portal.
Do I have to attend the live sessions?
You are strongly advised to show up to the live sessions to benefit from the live interaction and have the opportunity to ask me questions. But all live sessions will be available for you to watch in your own time after the session as the video will be added to the challenge content portal so that you can watch the replay. So if you cannot attend you will not miss out on any content. 


Will I receive support during the challenge?


Yes, when you purchase the challenge you will receive an email confirmation that will invite you to join an exclusive pop-up Facebook group. 

  • I will deliver live sessions daily to deliver some of your challenge material

  • I will pop into the Facebook group later each day to respond to queries and questions

  • You will have access to the pop-up group until the end of May 2021.

You are encouraged to interact within the group and connect with other mums on the programme as much or as little as you would like to.

What equipment do I need to be able to do the exercise routine?

There is one exercise routine during the 5 days so the only equipment that you will require is an â€‹exercise/yoga mat or carpeted area of floor.


How do the practical healthy habits work?


During the live sessions you will be guided to complete one mindset assignment per day which will be accompanied by a worksheet and detailed instructions. You can carry out the mindset assignment after the live session.


How much time will I need each day to work through the challenge?


The live sessions will be scheduled to last 30mins per day.

The mindset worksheet assignment can take anywhere from approximately 5-30 minutes to complete.

The healthy habit practices range from approximately 5-30 minutes each.

You can spend as much or as little time as you want on the assignments.


I am in the early stages of postnatal recovery, can I do this challenge?
Yes, you can join the challenge. There will be one gentle exercise class within the 5 days and you are advised to wait until you have had your 6-8 postpartum check or 10 post cesarean section check and have been cleared for exercise by your medical practitioner. before you take part in exercise post partum.
I am currently pregnant, can I join this challenge?
Yes. The challenge is safe for you if you are pregnant and able to do gentle, no-impact exercise.


Can I share the content with someone else?


No, I must protect the investment of you, other mums who have purchased the programme and myself, as a small business owner. So, if you find the content valuable then please do not share the content and instead, encourage others to invest in their own wellness by purchasing it themselves.


What if I purchase the challenge and then change my mind, can I get a refund?


No, I do not offer refunds. I suggest that you only purchase the challenge if you are committed to taking part.

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