The holistic C-Section healing and rehabilitation programme
Supporting you to heal and recover safely and effectively following pregnancy and cesarean section delivery.
Self-nurturing is so important for us mums, we constantly give to others, do for others and often neglect ourselves. It is especially important following the major abdominal surgery of a C-Section which can have lifelong implications.
Unfortunately, all too often, mums are not provided with the guidance and strategies that they need to avoid confusion, provide a clear protocol and best facilitate recovery.
That is why I created this programme for you, so that you can be empowered to maximise your healing potential and clarify your recovery journey.
Who is this programme for?
Have you had a C-Section and want to know how best to support yourself to heal, recover and rehabilitate your body mind and soul?
Do you:
​Want an overview of the anatomical procedure of the surgery so that you understand the healing process that will take place for you over the first 2 years of your recovery journey?
Want to know exactly how C-Section surgery can impact you physically, mentally and emotionally and what you can do to best facilitate your recovery?
Want to understand the healing process so that you can make lifestyle changes that will fast track the healing of your tissues and scar?
Want to learn simple strategies that will help you be more comfortable as you recover?
Want to know which foods will best help you recover from pregnancy and surgery?
Need to know when it is generally safe to start doing certain everyday activities such as walking and driving?
Do you want to learn a simple myofascial release routines including a self-massage routine to release stuck tissues on and around your scar?
Need to correct your posture to relieve muskuloskeletal aches and pains and improve your appearance?
Need a detailed and gently progressive C-Section specific exercise programme so that you know when it is safe to exercise, which exercises to do, which exercises not to do so that you can rehabilitate your core and build a stronger body?
Do you want to learn how to optimise your sleep restoration and stress management to facilitate your recovery?
Want to avoid confusion and clear and safe holistic protocol to follow that will maximise your healing potential and clarify your healing journey?
If your answer is yes then this C-Section Recovery Programme
is for you!
Who am I and how can I help you?
Hi my name is Maria Hilliard and I am a mother to two wonderful daughters.
I know what it is like to have lived with multiple postnatal symptoms and to have concerns about how to safely rehabilitate my postnatal recovery. As a motherhood wellness coach I have also supported lots of women through C-Section Recovery.
That is why I poured my heart and soul into creating this holistic wellness C-Section Recovery Programme for you, because so many mums struggle and don't receive the guidance, strategies and support that they truly need.
With this programme You too can be empowered to take ownership of your recovery journey, and make positive lifestyle changes, that will maximise your healing and rehabilitation.
By-the-way, I am also a Women Wellness Coach, Pre/Postnatal Specialist, Peri & Post menopause Specialist, Nutritional Therapist, Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor,
Yoga Instructor, Meditation Practitioner, Mindfulness Practitioner, Stress management Advisor, Advanced Sleep Management Advisor, Bellydance & Barre Instructor.
So you can rest assured that you are in good hands!
Provide support, guidance and motivation so that you know what to do, when to do it, why you are doing it and feel empowered to take action that will positively transform your life!
Reduce or eradicate urinary incontinence so that you can lift, laugh, run, jump and play with your kids without fear of peeing your pants.
Reduce or heal diastasis recti so that you can have a stronger core, reduce the belly bulge and feel confident wearing what you want to wear.
Improve symptoms of prolapse so that you can be relieved of symptoms, and reduce the risk or further prolapse.
Improve your posture so that you no longer suffer from back, neck and shoulder ache, look great, and stand/move with confidence and poise.
Give you back confidence in your body as you breath better, move better and have more strength, stamina and vitality to enjoy life!
Manage stress so that you don't feel like a nervous wreck all of the time.
Find peace so that you can be a chilled out tranquil mama.
Prioritise self-nurturing so that you can fill your cup and no longer feel over-stretched and burnt out.
Nourish your body so that you can feel energised, healthy and enjoy sharing nutrient dense, wholefood, home-cooked meals with your family.
Increase your self-awareness and emotional intelligence so you control your emotional responses rather than have them control you.
Cope with lifestyle changes and have those crucial conversations that will bring you and your family closer together as a unified support network.
The essential guide for C-Section Recovery
This 8 elements protocol can maximise your potential for
healing and recovery!
Anatomy of a C-Section
Physical implications of a C-section
Mental & Emotional implications of a C-section
The healing process: 4 Phases of healing
Soft tissue healing & lifestyle modifications
Scar healing guidelines
Nutrition for healing
Myofascial Release Strategies
Posture & Alignment
Breathing & Core activation
Rehabilitative exercise
Sleep & Stress management
The 8 Elements Protocol includes:
Healing Foods Shopping List
Healing timeline
Scar Self-Massage Routine
Fully Phased Exercise Programme
Manage, alleviate and heal postnatal & C-Section symptoms
Disconnected core
Weakened abdominal muscles
Scar tissue adhesions
Pelvic floor issues & incontinence
Poor posture
Muskuloskeletal aches and pain
Take control of your wellness and wellbeing and guide you towards feeling connected, strong and empowered
Yes, You can do this!
Yes, You can commit to this programme even if you are time-limited, busy mum. Because this programme is delivered in short and sweet bitesize videos that you can watch at your own pace to fit around your busy schedule!
Yes, You can heal your body, be stronger than before and look fabulous. Because I have provided you with a C-Section specific programme that safely and effectively allows you to regain core connection, build core strength and then rehabilitate and retrain your entire body.
Yes, You can treat yourself to this premium programme even if it means ditching the weekly magazines & daily coffees, selling some junk on ebay, hinting for an early birthday gift or begging someone who loves you to invest in your lifelong wellness and wellbeing, because this is the gift that will truly keep on giving.
You can do this because you deserve to heal yourself safely and effectively
Get the results that you desire
Would you rather go it alone and dabble with a few hit and miss C-Section recovery tips and workouts that you found on Google ?
Or would you rather take the transformational holistic approach where you have an entire programme to teach you exactly what you need to know and do, to best facilitate your recovery?
You can have all of that and transform your life, or you can go it alone and hope that you stumble across the right solutions
When you compare this C-Section Recovery programme to other programmes (and trust me there are not many) there is truly nothing else out there that includes this full holistically integrated protocol. It truly is a premium programme.
Even if you read several postnatal books and hired a regular personal trainer it would not get you these same results and it would take a lot more trial and error, costing you time and possibly doing more damage than good.
So, do yourself, and your family, a favour. Invest in yourself. Because we all know that when mums are healthy and happy the rest of the family is more likely to be too!
Why should you choose this programme?
Are you wondering how this C-Section Recovery Programme is different from the other solutions out there?
Well this is the only online C-Section programme that:
Is truly holistic and covers a vast range of complimentary wellness elements a designed, delivered and supported via a highly trained and skilled interdisciplinary Motherhood Wellness Coach.
Teaches you the why, what and how so that you truly understand why you are doing something.
Provides a safe and progressive C-Section rehabilitative exercise programme to get you fit and strong safely.
Provides guidance on mindset which is a huge part of the self-nurturing and recovery process.
Is very reasonably priced, especially when you consider the priceless worth of the positive transformations that you will enjoy for the rest of your life!
Make your wellness and wellbeing a priority, put yourself first, and reap the benefits!
So what are you waiting for?
If you are not convinced by now that this programme has the power to positively transform your healing journey then I invite you to ask yourself these questions:
Will this programme help me recover and heal more effectively?
What is my health, wellness and wellbeing worth?
Am I ready to take charge of my current and future health and wellness?
Am I ready to invest in myself?
Sign up now and enhance your recovery!
Just like you, I now that as a mum it can be hard to spend money on yourself but I also know that you will learn strategies and solutions within the programme that will transform your life.
You just need to give yourself permission to put yourself first for a change so that you and your family can reap the benefits of a healthier and happier mum now and in your future!
Support your recovery for just £147
(or 3 payments of £49)
So don’t put off your wellness for one more day, say yes to you and restore yourself!
Get ready for the new improved you!
You are relieved to no longer be confused about your C-Section recovery journey as you know exactly what strategies will best help you to heal and recover.
You know exactly when you can expect to start certain activities and get back to normal life.
You enjoy doing your scar tissue self-massage routine and see the benefits that it has provided.
You are preparing, cooking and enjoying nutrient dense meals that fully support your healing.
You have identified and dealt with any emotional and mental concerns and issues that arose as a result of your C-Section surgery.
You are following a clear and safe exercise programme to rehabiltate and rebuild a strong body.
Your feel like your core is your own again as you back in control of a strong and connected core and pelvic floor.
This could be your life after this programme!
Here's what will happen when you purchase
Sign up & Apply
Within minutes of signing up you will receive a confirmation email in your inbox that will prompt you to submit your
PAR Q consultation form and outline the next phase of the process.
be supported
You can make full use of unlimited email support (Monday-Friday) and can ask questions or seek support whenever you need to.
feel amazing!
We will work together to design and implement your bespoke programme as you attend your Zoon sessions, complete your weekly assignments and start to see results in all aspects of your wellness and wellbeing.
How does it work?
The course is delivered entirely online, so once you purchase the course you will receive an email that will provide you with the link to the course portal and another link to join the private Facebook Support Group. You can start the course as soon as you like and work through it at your pace in the comfort of your own home.
I have just had my baby, when can I start doing the programme and exercise routines?
From week 1-12 post surgery you can start watching the entire content of guidance videos and also start Phase 0 of the exercise programme which is a Rest and Recovery phase. It includes specific breathing, pelvic floor and myofascial routines suitable for this early stage of postnatal recovery.
You are advised to wait until you have had your 8-10 week postpartum cesarean section check and have been cleared for exercise by your medical practitioner. Once you have had that you can start phase 1 of the exercise programme from week 12 onwards.
I had a C-Section more than 2 years ago. Is this programme suitable for me or am I too late?
This programme has been designed to best help women within 2 years of C-Section surgery.
However, once you have been pregnant and had a C-Section you will forever be considered postnatal and post surgical procedure. In fact, if you never embarked on a post C-Section wellness protocol then you may still be suffering issues with some of the implications that a C-Section causes even decades later such as scar adhesions & restrictions, urinary incontinence, weakened core, chronic backache, muskuloskeletal aches and pains, reduced mobility, emotional trauma etc.
So, if the content of the programme resonates with you then you are never to late to take action and learn about what can better help facilitate your long term recovery journey. You may still find lots of it useful.
What equipment do I need to be able to do the exercise routines?
The routines include: Dynamic yoga, Restorative Yoga, Strength Training, Interval training, Myofascial release, walking etc.
So you may be required to acquire any of the following types of equipment to get you started:
Full size exercise or yoga mat
Resistance bands pack (light-medium-heavy)
Loop resistance bands pack (light-medium-heavy)
Pair of 1-3KG dumbbells
Pair of 5kg dumbbells or a 10kg kettlebell
These can be fixed weight or adjustable dumbbells. As you gain strength and endurance you may wish to increase the weights.
The programme is great, can I share the content with other mums?
In order to protect the investment of you, other mums who have purchased the programme and myself, as a small business owner, then I ask that you do not share the content of this programme.
Instead, if you find the content valuable then I would ask that you spread the word and encourage other mums to invest in their wellness by purchasing the programme themselves.
How do I use the Programme?
You will be granted access to the online programme videos & PDF Guides shortly after purchase. You will have lifetime access and can peruse them at any time.
I suggest that you work through the programme in the order that it is presented as the knowledge builds upon preceding content and is valuable to your journey. However, you can choose to dip in and out of it as best suits you and your personal situation.
How will I find the time to work through my programme?
This programme is designed to fit into your life, by providing bitesize videos and succinctly delivered information and strategies. If you have made the financial and energetic commitment to transform your life then you should expect to schedule in at least 30 mins, 5 days per week for movement, plus 10-30 minutes per day to watch the guidance videos depending on how quickly or slowly you wish to consume the information.
Remember that self-nurturing and wellness is all about making a stand for yourself and proritising your needs, so you will need to assign some non-negotiable me-time to support your wellness and wellbeing.
Will I receive support during the programme?
Yes, after purchasing the programme you will receive an email that will provide you with details on how you can join and access the private support group.
What if I purchase the programme and change my mind, can I return the programme and get a refund?
No, I do not offer refunds because your access to the content will be immediate. I only want you to purchase this programme if you are 100% willing to commit to improving your welllness and wellbeing.