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Empowering you to embrace your perimenopause journey! 
Perimenopause represents a huge shift in your life, it is a time often associated with challenging symptoms, confusion and struggles.
But what if I told you that it doesn't have to be this way?
What if we rewrite the narrative so that instead you approach and navigate your journey with a welcoming embrace, positive acceptance and the knowledge that perimenopause presents an opportunity to know, nurture and love yourself more deeply than ever before.  
I invite you to join me on a holistic journey of self-discovery and self-nurturing that will empower you to navigate your way through perimenopause and menopause with vitality, joy and a deep sense of contentment. 

Who is this bespoke 12 week wellness coaching programme for?

Are you ready to embrace your perimenopause journey and reap the benefits of radical self-nurturing? Do you want to.......


  • ​Reimagine the menopausal journey and see it as your life's next adventure and rite of passage?

  • Understand your hormonal shifts and know what you can do to best support your journey?

  • Learn simple, easy to embed strategies to manage, alleviate and eradicate perimenopausal symptoms?

  • Discover delicious foods and recipes that specifically support your perimenopausal physiology?

  • Learn which nutrition and eating habits you can change to energise you and alleviate symptoms?

  • Enjoy revitalising joyful exercise routines designed specifically to cater to your needs as a perimenopausal woman?

  • Appreciate why you need a different type of exercise and muskuloskeletal activity to best serve your needs?

  • Indulge in blissful restorative yoga sessions that calm your nervous system and soothe your mind?

  • Understand why stress is hindering your journey and learn powerful stress management strategies?

  • Surrender to relaxing and empowering guided meditations designed to support your mindset?

  • Learn simple breathing patterns to calm your nerves and create moments of mindfulness?

  • Learn how to maximise the health of your pelvic floor and how to protect it?

  • Discover how to protect your cognitive health and nurture your emotional intelligence?

  • Feel empowered to let go of what no longer serves you and say yes to what you really need and desire in this new phase of life?

  • Create your own beautiful bespoke morning ritual, night-time ritual and self-nurturing routine.



If your answer is yes then this programme is for you!

It is suitable for you if you are entering or experiencing the perimenopause years whether due to natural hormonal decline, full or partial hysterectomy.

Perimenopause is a rite of passage. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy it!

Perimenopause is all about you, this is your chance to give yourself the attention and self-nurturing that you need and deserve. 
Embrace the change, get ready for the journey of your life and move forwards with positive anticipation knowing that you said yes to this new phase of life!

How this programme will help you

​This wellness programme is specifically designed to empower and support you through your perimenopausal journey. 


You will experience a truly holistic approach to wellness by learning about self-nurturing, physiology, nutrition, movement, stress releif, mindfulness, meditation, sleep, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, cognitive brain health, lifestyle detox and much more.

You will be educated with the knowledge to understand what is happening with your mind, body and emotions, allowing you to make powerful lifestyle changes to maximise your wellness and wellbeing. 

You will be empowered with practical strategies that will allow you to navigate your way with grace and vitality through your perimenopause years and discover a sense of joy appreciation and gratitude for your experiences. 



This programme can positively transform your life!


  1. Defining & reimagining the menopause

  2. Hormone shifts, hormone balance & HRT 

  3. Health Risks, signs, symptoms & solutions

  4. Optimal nutrition, gut health & bowel health

  5. Posture, movement, myofascia & bone health

  6. Breathing, core, pelvic floor & sexual health

  7. Stress management, mindfulness & meditation

  8. Mental health, emotional resilience & stress management

  9. Brain health & cognitive resilience

  10. Sleep, rest & restoration

  11. Optimal self-nurturing lifestyle shifts

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The essential guide to holistic Perimenopause wellness & wellbeing

Helping you feel fantastic: physically, mentally and emotionally!


The programme includes:

6 x 1-1 Bespoke zoom coaching sessions
Assignment worksheets
Wellness videos 

Exercise & movement videos
Guided meditations
Unlimited email support Monday-Friday

Imagine what this programme can do for you......

  • Empower you to embrace your perimenopause years and look forward to menopause.

  • Eliminate confusion over what you can do to help yourself using easy manageable strategies.

  • Provide simple solutions to help alleviate physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

  • Provide delicious recipes to support and balance your hormone health. 

  • Bring joyful empowering movement into your life through easy to follow Bellydance, Barre, Yoga, Metabolic HIIT and Strength Training routines.

  • Inspire you to start a myofascial release routine to keep your body supple, mobile and in love with movement.

  • Protect your heart, pelvic floor and bone health.

  • Maintain your cognitive resilience and protect your brain health.

  • Teach you simple breathing patterns that will calm, centre and focus you in times of need.

  • Guide you to create your own bespoke morning, nightime and self-nurturing rituals.

  • Give you permission and encouragement to eliminate stressors, and say no to what no longer serves you.

This programme is a perfect blend of all the elements that will transform your experience of perimenopause!

Enabling you to manage, alleviate and reduce perimenopausal symptoms

Brain fog & forgetfulness

Low mood & anxiety 

Irritability, anger & rage 

Hot flashes & night sweats

Insomnia & disturbed sleep

Muskuloskeletal aches/pains & stiff joints

Headaches & migraines

Itchy skin & vaginal dryness

Reduced libido

Increased body fat

Reduced muscle mass

Reduced bone density 

Postpartum blues or postpartum depression

Feeling lost & out of control

Loss of self & sense of trepidation


This is where I can help you to take control of your wellness and wellbeing, and empower you to have the best experience of Perimenopause that you can!

Who am I and how can I help you?

Hi my name is Maria Hilliard and I am a perimenopausal mother to two wonderful daughters. 

I started experiencing perimenopause symptoms after I  stopped breast feeding my second daughter.
Transitioning from postnatal recovery to the onset of perimenopause is an interesting journey that I am still experiencing and embracing.
Fortunately, I am well prepared for the journey as I have trained with the UK's leading authority on perimenopause (Burrell Education) and completed four specialist menopause certifications to enable me to help other women like you navigate their way through this empowering and enlightening phase of life. 

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By-the-way, I am also a Women Wellness Coach, Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach, Womens Circle Facilitator, Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Perimenopause Specialist, Pre/Postnatal specialist, Yoga Instructor, Bellydance Instructor,
Barre Instructor and Nutritional therapist. 
So you can rest assured that you are in good hands!




The holistic method that I teach is the exact same holistic method that I apply to my own life. It will empower you to make the positive lifestyle changes that will maximise your potential for wellness and wellbeing so that you can embrace your perimenopause journey. Each method is simple, affordable and easy to embed into your own life as your build your own bespoke wellness & wellbeing self-nurturing plan!

Yes, You can do this!

Yes, You can totally rock your perimenopause years even if you have been suffering, given up hope, had no support or been told to just get on with it. Because I will be right here with you, guiding you, empowering you and giving you science-backed solutions that actually make a difference.
Yes, You can be that super-confident, self-accepting, self-nurturing, wise woman goddess even if right now you feel like a literal hot mess, have already forgotten what you clicked this link for, and felt like your body and mind were letting you down. Because now you know that there is a solution, it's right here and it's within your grasp. 
Yes, You can treat yourself to this premium programme even if it means ditching the weekly magazines & daily coffees, selling some junk on ebay, hinting for an early birthday gift or begging someone who loves you to hook a sista up (because this is the gift that will truly keep on giving). 

You can do this because I believe that deep inside you is the desire to transform your life and embrace this change! 

Get the results that you desire

Would you rather struggle your way through perimenopause?


Or would you rather take the complete holistic approach that will guide you through the process, get you results and positively transform your body, nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle, all in one neatly packaged solution so that you can thrive?

You can have all of that and transform your life, or you can go it alone and hope that you stumble across the right solutions

When you compare this course to other perimenopause programmes there is truly nothing else out there that includes so many solutions, tools and strategies. It truly is a premium holistic package.

Even hiring a Wellness Coach or Personal trainer would not get you these same resources and results (unless of course that personal trainer was me) and it would cost you more than tripple the cost of this programme.
You could spends months reading 10 perimenopause books and still not get access to the recipes, workouts, meditations and workbook all specially designed to get you the results that you need.

So do yourself a favour. Invest in yourself. Because this journey could last years and trust me it's a journey that you are going to want to feel empowered to embrace rather than struggle your way through!

Why should you choose this programme? 

Are you wondering how this is different from the other perimenopause solutions out there? Well this is the only perimenopause wellness programme that:



  • Is truly holistic and covers such a vast range of periemnopause wellness topics and resources. 

  • Teaches you the whys, whats and hows, so that you truly understand why you are doing something.

  • Contains a safe and expertly designed workouts and sessions covering: Yoga, Barre, Bellydance, metabolic HIIT, strength training, breathing exercise, pelvic floor exercises, myofascial release routines and self-massage routines.

  • Understands that mindset is a huge part of the self-nurturing process and provides guidance that will help achieve success, cultivate gratitude and encourage you to journal your experience.

  • Supports your journey with homework assignments and worksheets to ensure that you embed the strategies that will improve the quality of your life.

  • Contains life enhancing guided meditations based on themes to support your perimenopause journey and positively shift your mindset.

  • Guides you to create your very own bespoke morning ritual, nightime ritual and holistic self-nurturing plan.

  • Provides recipes specifically designed to contain nutrients that support your hormonal health

  • Is reasonably priced, especially when you consider the priceless worth of the transformations that you will enjoy.



Make your wellness and wellbeing a priority, put yourself first, for a change, and reap the benefits!

So what are you waiting for?

If you are not convinced by now that this programme has the power to positively change your life then I invite you to ask yourself these questions:



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Do I want to embrace my journey or struggle through it?


How will my life improve when I commit to this programme?


What is my health, wellness and wellbeing worth?


Am I happy to stay in my current state or am I ready to invest in myself?

Sign up now and enhance your recovery!



Just like you, I am a savvy spender. I know that it can be hard to find the resources to spend on yourself, that is why I have priced this life transforming programme so reasonably.


You can get this bespoke 12 week programme for £750

(or 3 monthly installments of £250)

Including: bespoke wellness programme, 6 bi-weekly 1 hour zoom coaching calls & unlimted email support for 12 weeks.

So don’t struggle on alone, re-write your journey and embrace your perimenopause years with grace and vitality!

Get ready for the new improved you!

Imagine yourself 6 months from now- you have completed this programme. You wake up feeling well rested after a deep and peaceful sleep. You start your day with your morning routine that instantly helps you feel centered, focused, calm and energised- ready for the day. 


You look forward to your schedule knowing that you have minismised stressors, said no to what doesn't serve you and have reserved segments of your day for joyful and restorative me-time. You no longer dread perimenopause symptoms because you know that you have a well-practiced toolkit at your disposal full of easy strategies to help you embrace and manage them. What's more you have even eradicated some of them!


You feel grateful for this journey of self-discovery and self-nurturing as you feel nourished with every acton that you take:


  • Every delicious meal that you create lovingly for yourself

  • Every joyful workout that has you in love with movement and what your body can do

  • Every sweet moment of utter tranquility found during your meditative practice

  • Every deep breath that calms and centres you throughout the day

  • Every opportunity to know yourself as you journal your experience and tune into what you need

  • Every indulgent pampering session that reminds you how good it feels to take care of yourself

  • Every change that you have made to protect your health and invest in your future wellness & wellbeing


And at the end of the day you find utter peace and relaxation as you indulge in your nurturing nightime ritual that helps you relax, unwind, let go and melt into a deep and restful sleep. Knowing that you are grateful for how the perimenopause gave you permission to finally practise deep and utter self-love and self-nurturing and know yourself better than ever before.​


This could be your life after Menopause Thrive & Revive!

Here's what will happen when you join

Sign Up

Once you have subscribed you will undertake an in-depth screening and goal setting process and a bespoke programme will be designed for you.

be supported

You will be educated, coached and inspired via 6 bi-weekly Zoom sessions.

You will have access to email support Mon-Fri.

feel amazing!

As you apply the strategies, complete your homework assignments and start to make lifestyle changes you will start to see results in all aspects of your wellness and wellbeing.


How does it work?
You book your FREE 30 minute Zoom transformation call via the website Booking page. You will then be prompted to complete 2 discovery forms so that I can learn more about you before we chat. During the call we will discuss your situation and wellness goals and determine whether I can help you. If we are a good fit then you will be invited to purchase the programme and then book your regular weekly Zoom session slot. 
The programme is delivered entirely online, so once you purchase the programme you receive an email that will provide you with details and links to undergo in-depth screening and goal setting.
You will book in for your six regular bi-weekly Zoom session slots and be assigned weekly homework to ensure that you embed what you have learnt and create your own personal habits, practices and toolkit.
You will receive personalised support via email Mon-Fri.

How do the Zoom Sessions work?


Once we have scheduled your 6 x 1 Hour online Zoom sessions you will receive an email including a link to access them. We will agree on the topics for your sessions beforehand based on your goals. The sessions will be delivered to provide you with guidance, support and discussion or activity that best serves your needs and is best delivered live. All other supporting content will be delivered via pre-recorded education or experiential videos, PDF's or MP3's that you can work through in your own time.

You can then ask further guidance of support at any time via the unlimited email access Mon-Friday during our 12 weeks working together.   


Will I receive support during the programme?


When you purchase the programme you have unlimited email support from me between Mondays & Fridays so you can ask any questions or seek advice whenever you need to.

Do I have to be a certain age to benefit from this programme?
Menopause occurs exactly 1 year after your last period. For most women the menopause occurs between the ages of 40-58 with the average age being 51.
Perimenopause takes place before menopause when the sex hormones start to naturally decline causing the length between periods to vary. Perimenopause is a transition phase usually lasting for 4-8 years. It can start in your late 30's or throughout your 40's. 
Some women may fall outside of the averages and experience menopause before 40 or after 60.
This programme is for you is you are entering or experiencing perimenopause no matter what your age is.
I have already reached menopause will this programme be of help to me?
Yes, this programme is for both perimenopausal & menopausal women. It contains 10 modules, all of which include valuable content for the post menopausal woman.  Once you have reached menopause your hormone decline will have settled so you may not experience several symptoms such as hot flashes, moods swings or palpitations.
However, you are very likely to still experience menopause symptoms synonymous with reduced sex hormones such as: vaginal dryness, itchy dry skin, reduced sex drive, difficulty sleeping, reduced muscle mass, joint & muscular stiffness, cognitive decline and you will need to protect your heart health, pelvic floor, bone density, fascia, muscle mass, stress levels, and wellbeing.

Can I share the content with someone else?


I am overjoyed that you wish to empower another woman and are keen to share this invaluable knowledge. However, I am also keen to protect the investment of you, other women who have purchased the programme and of myself, as a small business owner. So, if you find the content valuable then I would ask that you please do not share the content and instead encourage others to invest in their wellness by purchasing it themselves. It is also often the case that when someone invests their own money in a resource they are much more likely to use it and reap the benefits.


How do the exercise routines work?


There are 12 types of exercise routines specifically designed to suit the perimenopause phase of life. You can select from these to suit your preferences:

Metabolic Circuit workouts combining strength training & cardiovascular training

Barre balance workouts

Bellydance workouts

Dynamic Yoga session

Restorative yoga session

Yin yoga session

Posture reset stretch session

Morning stretch & refresh yoga & breathwork session


These can be coached via your Zoom sessions and are also delivered as realtime videos online, for you to work out alongside, in your own time. The instructions are clear and contain options for progression.

You also have a written workout guide (PDF) to outline the content of each workout 


What equipment do I need to be able to do the exercise routines?

The routines use minimal equipment however you will need the following to get you started:

  • Full size exercise or yoga mat

  • Pair of 1-3KG dumbbells 

  • Pair of 5kg dumbbells

These can be fixed weight or adjustable dumbbells. As you gain strength and endurance you may wish to increase the weights 


How do I use the worksheets/forms?


You may be asked to complete worksheets or forms as a part of your weekly homework. These will help me learn more about you, analyse your current habits and help you to apply the theory and embed the strategies that you learn into your everyday life. Some may be a downloadable PDF which can be printed and others may be electronic forms that can be submitted online. 


How will I find the time to work through the programme?


The course content is extensive and all of it is valuable but you can work through it at your own pace and prioritise the sections that resonate most with your needs and your journey. 
Remember that self-nurturing and wellness is all about making a stand for yourself and proritising your needs so you will need to assign some non-negotiable time to support your wellness and wellbeing.


What if I purchase the course and change my mind, can I return the programme and get a refund?

No, I do not offer refunds, but you can transfer any unused sessions to another person.

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